Jack the Ripper (Hunting Ground)

This route that my walk takes has been designed to get straight into
the area where the murders occurred and give you a better understanding of what the neighbourhood was like when Jack the Ripper stalked the very alleyways and passageways.

Mitre Square is a small, quiet square heading off Mitre Street, Aldgate. It has three entrances: one from Mitre Street, the second leading from Duke Street via the narrow Church Passage, and the third leading from St James's Passage.

Catherine Eddowes had early on been arrested for being drunk & disorderly, At around 1:00 am she was released from the police station.

She turned left out the doorway which took her in the opposite direction of what would have been the fastest way back to Flower and Dean Street. She appears to be heading back toward Aldgate High Street where she had become drunk. On going down Duke Street, and at the end of which was Church Passage which led into Mitre Square is where she met jack the ripper.

Catherine Eddowes 1883 Photo

Catherine Eddowes like Elizabeth Stride, killed on Sunday 30 September 1888. Her body was found in Mitre Square, in the City of London, three-quarters of an hour after Stride's. her throat was, severed by two cuts, the abdomen was ripped open by a long, deep, jagged wound. The left kidney and the major part of the uterus had been removed. Her and Stride's murders were later called "The Double Event" in the media, and across London.

Mitre square was the scene of Catherine Eddowes
murder committed by Jack the Ripper.

Above: Mitre square how it looks today, photo taken 20th sep 2009.
Eddowe's body was found just behind the bench in the back (seen Behind the car)

Catherine Eddowes post-mortem Photo 1888

The next route my walk takes me to is Dorset Street passage. where Miller's Court once stood.
Dorset Street was the scene of Mary Jane Kelly`s murder committed by Jack the Ripper.

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